Knock Knock

Knock knock
Someone at the door.
I cannot come to you,
I am stuck between the walls.
You cannot hear me,
cannot know where I'm at
within these walls of quiet,
these halls of my mind...
They spin around me
this way and that,
I cannot seem to get away
from where I'm at.

Someone at the door,
knocking again.
I want to answer, but
I cannot find the way to the door,
lost here in the halls of my mind.
I find the door and then 
cannot find the key
and woe, woe, woe is me
Each time I find myself 
where I was before,
sleep walking, then awake,
then asleep... wake up!!
(so easy to slip into regression,
vacant thoughts)
Wake Up!!

Times moving
 and I am not,
this body's getting older.
Wake up before you lose
the battle to bones,
stop climbing into boxes
(coffins) - stop building walls 
then climbing over them
- break them down! -
Break them down or look through
them, like glass made of air,
walk on through to the other side
and answer the door!

Its you there 
knocking at the door
Take a breath of that air that 
wafts in through the open door and
say hello, welcome!
Pull yourself toward yourself 
and come home,
invite yourself in and have a seat,
catch up - you've been away 
for awhile now
Come home come home
come home
to Yourself.

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