Liquid blue

 ..thunder purrs 
across the sunkissed surf 
as the wave breaks,
a million drops sprayed and scattered out 
to merge with the liquid blue..

3 million miles

3 million miles to paradise
one step at a time
depends on the length of the stride I guess,
and the flick of a gambling dime

gods’ they throw the dice
and people play their part
snakes and ladders playground
its a matter of the heart

born into a game
we are as goldfish in a bowl
the bowl is an illusion and
and the goldfish is the soul

3 million miles to paradise

in the blink of a sleepy eye
wake up wake up wake up
to the light of heavens sky

I can feel it in my fingers,
in the toes of my feet
like a tingle - electric -
pins and needles without 
the numb feeling...
Some strange and excitable
beautiful thing rising up 
in me to meet with its own
- God reaching for God -
throughout me is a shaking
as my soul shifts restlessly
and I become clumsy,
ill prepared for
the wave that overcomes 
my body and being,
a power so much greater 
than my understanding thereof
and I fall to my knees,
whisper feverish prayers
to my God. My God!

Already here

So many days gone past
- its taken me by storm
to find the calm finally here.
No sign of the raging currents
or unclear skies
there is blue and it surrounds me,
quietly finds me spinning circles
unaware that time's passed.
Still praying for miracles
but when I look around 
I see the miracles are here,
right under my nose,
already here.


A chance to unwind
to unbind the ropes
entangling me
strangling me
a chance to be free
of the limits
I've set for myself
to emerge from myself
and be Me

Knock Knock

Knock knock
Someone at the door.
I cannot come to you,
I am stuck between the walls.
You cannot hear me,
cannot know where I'm at
within these walls of quiet,
these halls of my mind...
They spin around me
this way and that,
I cannot seem to get away
from where I'm at.

Someone at the door,
knocking again.
I want to answer, but
I cannot find the way to the door,
lost here in the halls of my mind.
I find the door and then 
cannot find the key
and woe, woe, woe is me
Each time I find myself 
where I was before,
sleep walking, then awake,
then asleep... wake up!!
(so easy to slip into regression,
vacant thoughts)
Wake Up!!

Times moving
 and I am not,
this body's getting older.
Wake up before you lose
the battle to bones,
stop climbing into boxes
(coffins) - stop building walls 
then climbing over them
- break them down! -
Break them down or look through
them, like glass made of air,
walk on through to the other side
and answer the door!

Its you there 
knocking at the door
Take a breath of that air that 
wafts in through the open door and
say hello, welcome!
Pull yourself toward yourself 
and come home,
invite yourself in and have a seat,
catch up - you've been away 
for awhile now
Come home come home
come home
to Yourself.

Impassive Moon

To whose song do you
belong, impassive Moon?
for whose tune do you long 
to whose number 
do you dance
in which light are you
enhanced, dear Moon
do you wander across 
the dunes of sky so blue, 
do you race across that place 
on high, chase the wind,
fall or fly, 
where which way
do you leave at sunrise
or do you stay 
to praise the day
do you sing, play, 
do you do anything
to join the picture 
or is yours a lonely tune
oh moon, impassive Moon


I feel no sadness 
at your passing
the birds are singing
and the sound of wind
moves lightly across my ears
I am not sad 
at your voluntary leaving
No tears come to me,
no wonderings of why 
Merely an acceptance 
of your choice,
of what is and 
what has become
another cloud in the sky.

(on the suicide of a friend)

Cant quite capture it
- the whole of it -
not a word not a sentence
that could express
all of it
its feeling and believing
in unspoken ways
clear skies of cloud
and cloudy skies of clarity
understanding amidst chaos
a match burning in the dark
i cannot quite explain
its all feeling and believing
in the spaces between
in what cannot be seen
can merely be felt
be known be understood
no questions asked
no answers required
slow experience and
wisdom acquired


Any place, anywhere
it doesn't matter
take me there
from where i wonder
in between
spaces on the fringe of dream

I cannot remain here,
move must move
before i am removed
- apart from it 
and not a part of it -
driving myself quite mad
must look for peace 
instead of pieces of what remains
of me - an island adrift
I must come home, must come Home.


beautiful sleeping thing
quietly awakens
demands a voice
cries out from that
deep, deep place within
for release, 
for atonement,
- expression -
of itself
of yourself.

Reconciliation one with the other
- self to self -
itself to its own

I feel it moving,
- my life Source -
like a snake
through wet grass
brave of heart

I will shed this skin without fear

Some greater love

At the cost, maybe,
of my personal quiet,
I must pursue the longing 
to become one
with some greater thing
some greater love
than that which I known thus far
A love until now
only sensed to be real
maybe, even, this may
bring me that personal quiet

Little voices

little voices
up close and breathing
in my ears
on my face
incoherent little whispers
I can scarcely hear
cannot comprehend
what the hell is going
on here ...

Trance people Dance

Come on people 
feel the groove
everybody has to move
sweat is dripping
feet are slipping
hands are waving
through the air
and all are slaving
free of care
to the music
to the beat
- madness -
dancing in the heat
- ecstasy - like fire 
in the blood
wont let you tire
You will dance 
until you drop
because the music
shall not
stop !

There is Here

Running madly
arms flayed
hair standing out at ends
breath quickening
- I am almost There !


Chasing myself around
and over the ends of the Earth
that rise up to meet me 
like a hungry wave 
and I stand here 
thirsty as a dry desert of sand.

Breathing heavily
I pause
look around

- a feeling of Arrival -


Where I am is where I was.

Turning circles in my Mind
I take a sip 
from the cup
of Life
and let a few drops spill over onto 
the sands of Time.

Where I was is where I am.
Only More.

Here is There.
but More.

I am them all

I am

a butterfly 
learning to fly
a bird 
learning to soar
a fish 
learning to swim
a baby
learning to crawl

 I am them all

Breaking the boundaries

Wanted to fly
weightless on high winds
of disillusion
self illusion

inside of myself
I found the boundaries
of what was possible
and impossible

I realized them to be 
made by me
and thus broke them

And flew.

Dead Rose

You lie there
oblivious to the unhallowed night
that touches you, 
the shadows across your skin
like bruises from a callous hand

Colours fading,
your dying beauty 
lures the wind 
to brush the petals from your face,
swirls the leaves around 
your space as you lie,
so quiet,
offering no response,
breathing no quickened breath to
the pursuasion of seduction

Your nonchalance
drives the breeze to frenzy,
the fury of a spurned lover
tears you apart,
petal by petal,
leaf by leaf,
until you are no more,
just a dead rose spent on the 
shores of unrequited love.


You sit down
at the window
rehearsing your goodbyes
looking at the streetscape
with a sadness in your eyes

You're going over 
everything you feel 
you aught to say
and moving through 
the motions that you feel
you need to play

Mental preparation 
for the script in which
your role
sacrifices everything
- your heart and mind
and soul

But this is it
- decision made -
No further need to 
be afraid

This is the last that 
you shall cry
before Death teaches you
to Fly.

Love song Anon

Going places
we used to go
and seeing faces
we used to know
doing things we used to do
- alone and lonely 
without you

Dreaming dreams 
in silence
of the unintended violence
of the reconciliations 
we attempted at in vain
and all the nights
we spent apart
each with 
our own destructive pain

Yet in solitude 
my thoughts aren't of
the promises you've broken
or the pain
 you have inflicted
by the words that you
have spoken

For in spite of
all the pain
I'd maybe do it all again
each lonely moment
I went through
was just the price
of being with you

So yeah, 
I do give in
allow the moon to touch
my skin
and let the dream 
of making love to you
in quietness begin.

Let me

Let me take you 
by the hand
and lead you through
a lonely land
a place
not as it seems
merely a shadow
in your dreams


Sometimes things happen 
that you just don't understand
leaving you frustrated
and scared and
spinning in circles,
oblivious as to where you're going 
or where you should be..
and that missing thing 
in your life just keeps
evading you and
you wonder if loneliness
is your curse -
so tired and 
despondent and confused,
longing for love
but love evades and
loneliness is there to hold
you instead.

Puting up with You

So tired of living 
as I do
Putting up with misery
by putting up with You


Where do I begin
when there is no beginning?
To where do I turn when nothing surrounds me?
What does one say when words evade 
and actions speak but nobody understands
the gestures that say so much more 
than words ever could?

How do I stay sane 
when crazy thoughts come knocking 
at my door?
Voices of insanity
of incoherence echoing through
the empty halls of my mind.

Nobody is home.
Nobody abides here
Do you understand ? 

This body 
is merely a vessel,
an island on which to rest 
my spirit wings
after tiresome flights through
sea and sky and
time and space.

Out here 
there is no beginning
and no ending,
merely questions with no answers
- perpetual dreaming -
hovering between reality
and unreality,
unreality and surreality,
oblivious as to which is which.

My life is like an acid trip.
Both the peaking and the coming down,
where nothing is sure
and nothing is fixed
- undefinite and indefinite -
everything moving and
wavering and floating
( like clouds )
intangible and untouchable.

Clarity evades me,
slipping from my fingers
to form puddles at my feet,
dissipated clouds or
sanity liquidized
- call it what you will -

I see my reflection in them,
these puddles.
This is Me.
This wavering figure
that has no form nor face,
multifaceted like a diamond,
struggling to find
my true self
my true face
my real Me.

Is this normal?

Does everybody float 
like this - fly like this,
fall like this?

Did somebody drug me as a child 
or am I merely undergoing 
some seemingly endless 

Tao te Ching,
said that nothing is,
that everything is becoming..

Is this what is happening to me?
Am I merely 'becoming'?

What am I becoming then!?
How will I know,
when will I know,
will I know at all when I have become 
whatever it is 
that I am becoming?

Will there be a time of peace 
where I am happy with what 
I have Become?

And then what?
Does the cycle of becoming
continue on and on?

Bars of glass

the day drifts by 

Every now and then
I look up from my work 
and see the changes in the sky
and I pause,

- quiet -

feeling distanced from the riot 
of the highway and its people, 
another day goes by me
I've become another sheeple.
Sitting at my desk
instead of 
laughing with my friends,
and before I can appreciate the day
it quietly ends.

I stoop and stare through windows
(bars of glass)
My hair untouched by wind,
my skin untouched by sun
- for me the day has ended
even before it has begun -

I stop my childish dreaming
place my feet firm on the ground
and force upon myself
that money
makes this world go round.

For we are actors on life's stage
may not be brave may not be bold,
we must perform to earn our wage,
 and we must act as we are told, 

must sacrifice it all
and be content within 
our cage.

Lonely traveller

Lonely traveller 
for an iridescent moon
pale hands dancing 
to some 
tantalizing tune


God he's untouchable
(like fire -
wavering, terrifying)
I wonder around
lost in his head
and until he finds me
he will never know me 
too blind to see me
just another nobody.

Air's face

Air's face contorts,
cloud wrinkles etched across 
her cheeks as
precedence to rain
which, when it falls,
will do so as tears
-falling from her face 
to mine -
our sorrow shared.

Tired and uninspired

I'm feeling tired
and uninspired
not really interested
at all
I stamp my feet 
against the ground
and beat my fists 
against the wall

Word patterns

tracing word patterns across the page, 
every part of me laid bare
before my eyes
staring boldly out at me
shouting "face me!"

I can't run from these notions
that I have scribbled down 
on scraps of paper,
can't hide from the truths 
that I have exposed to myself,
to the world.

Hard to speak them,
mostly comfortable when silence speaks
for itself 
and gestures, eyes,
say it all.

Reading the line or between the line,
each adds their own innuendo
to the written word,
whereas the voice has a tone of its own 
and can be misinterpreted
too easily.

Each to their own,
adding personal spice 
to the story told, 
like reading a book rather than watching the movie.

True Me

This face is a collection of faces
moulded from the genic pool of
ancestral inheritance

It is not my face
It is their face this physical face

I give to this face
the light in these eyes
the lines or lack of lines earned
through grimace, laughter and tears
crevices shaped by years of
being Me

a notion of Me

It was never really Me
Living has been a lie
up until Now

It was never really Me

I find the mask dropping
slipping away
like clouds dissapating
revealing a blue sky and
a radiant sun

and that splendid light is Me
the real me

Stepping out of the world
and into my own Self.

One must fly

Angels hover close by,
wings towering on high tides of sky
as they carry me over
and beyond my physical self

The sea breaks across the shores
of my mind, dawn at last,
Sun climbing the expanse of sky as
the winds change course

- And one must fly -

Exchanging glances with myself
I chance a glimpse behind
- see some things
touch lightly
upon an unsightly darkness

Move bravely toward the light
- leave the shadows behind
with a sense of compassion
of overwhelming passion
at the notion of it all,
the goodness and the not so
goodness of it all

And I am set lightly down
at the heart of a cloud at the centre
of the universe
and there, in solitude, I say my prayer

And it is good
to know God
the God that is everything, everyone
and in all of that am I
I am that, I am

To take responsibility
for that which I am
and that which I do
and that which I say

To be Godlike
is the potential of humankind
and I pray,
pray for the awakening of the human being
so that s/he may be true to their higher self
the Overself

To create together this universe
to understand suffering and to transform
it into gold, the true nature of Alchemy.

To accept that pain is merely a path
to self awareness is to
to know the ultimate goodness of Godness.

Trans Soul Migration

We've come a long way..
changing, subtly, day to day.

Seeking answers 
to our questions
and then questioning the answers.

Sometimes falling, sometimes flying,
always hoping, always trying ..

Merely waiting for that moment,
for that brief eclipse in time,
when we are strong enough to leave behind 
the ladder that we climb ..

When we can tear apart the bars
and turn our faces to the stars, 
nothing more for which to strive ..

- merely in love with being alive -


City smoke curls
around my ankles,
hungry and 
ceasing movement only
when the wind
dies down.

As the darkness 
takes assiduous reign
over once-was-day,
the smoke reaches
tentative fingers 
into the deepening shadows
as though searching 
for a haven of quiet,
where it may sleep
as the city sleeps.

But the wind 
is restless tonight,
on whose string 
the smoke is forced to dance 
its lonely dance.

Feeling Free

Clouds swirl 
below and above me
Stars collide and dissipate
at my feet

Worlds continue to circle 
their lonely orbits
and I am lost
suspended somewhere in between

- Contented -
a Universe
surrounds me and I
feel Free

free to be Me

The need to stand high

The need to stand high
above and beyond
 -the rainbow that I am
- this creation I have become -

This mind this body and
how I - we - deal
with the day to day
of going through the motions of being

The need to stand high
far beyond myself
to excel
to be the utmost best
that I can be.

Caterpiller forever?

 Somewhere in between
- neither here nor there -

What am I doing Here?

the Ultimate Question:
to Be or not to Be
And so here I am - Being.

The next Question:
What to Be?

I feel sad at times, so very sad.
Alone like all others Here,
on this plane at this moment of Now.

And I feel glad at times,
so very glad.
at One with everyone here
and all that lies Beyond.

Again I ask,
What am I doing Here?

Will this caterpillar ever become a butterfly?
Such a short lifespan.
and then Rebirth.

What comes next
in the cycle?
Will I continue to forget
each time around?


Where is the whole of me
that remembers it All?
Will I ever be her
and will she ever be Me?

Cannot hide


I am a warrior of peace
my heart resides
within this place
I am an angel in disguise
and God resides behind this face

We cannot hide
cannot run away
we will be hunted
- the day shall come to pass
when we will be
crushed by our own tumbling walls

Beware my friends
the time has come
to answer to our wrongs
cannot carry these things
on the backs of our wings

Unburdoned by the weight of wrongdoing
we must move on
Other experiences await us
and best to face them with a clean slate
a clear mind a pure heart

It is our own individual chance to
leave behind the ladder that we climb
and walk with God
in the presence of Truth.


 Over there! 
Under that cupboard crouches darkness and
in that space lurks the beast in your magination.

Look up! 
Through that shaft of sunlight angel wings shimmer incandescently,
like a dream tugging at strings in your head

Visions projected onto the canvas of the mind
and the body responds
makes the movie a reality

Behold! A falling star. 
What wish has come to you? 
Wish to be Real
What is Real?
Is it you or your projection

What are You anyway?
Do you dare use that wish to know who you really are?
Are you prepared to accept the truth?

That you are
the Creator of the created
standing in the light
of Gods' reflection.

the first Word

The stillness is unexpected
it swims
like a bubble
surrounding me and
I burst it with a gasp for air

fragments of quietness
wet the ground
snail tracks
fairy footsteps
silver sparkles
on the grass

and the gasp hums
swims like water
into the surround
causing wakefulness
rousing consciousness


In the beginning was the word
and the word was with God
and as that word breathed into the cosmos,
a universe was born
and is born again
and again ..

Maker of Life

Unpainted pictures cry out for attention 
Unsung songs dream of being heard 
Untold poetry whispers through autumn leaves 

Open your eyes and arise people! 
Wrest the magic from the air and let it live! 
You are a Creator, a channeler of Dreams  

A maker of Life.

Blessed Tree be Me

Could it Be, that this be Me
This treasure of a Tree
Roots run deep, caress the Earth
Branches high, embrace the Sky